Revolutionizing Your
Printing Experience
lmagine unleashing a printing speed of over 500mm/s, relying on automatic leveling for superb accuracy, exploringmulti-color printinq. having a direct drive extrusion head you can trust, feel supported by high-speed auxiliary feeding, knowing your printing processes can be viewed in real time through a 1080P intelligent Al camera that alsomonitors them, and that you can set, adjust and control your printing projects through an app, and add to it aswitchable module that lets vou turn an outstanding 3D printer into a 20W laser engraving and cutting machine-ina few seconds.
Unveiling the
Futuristic Aesthetics
The LOTMAXX ET's visual design is rooted in futuristic technology and exploration, capturing the essence of into the unknown with 3D printers. lts print head boasts a spherical shape, reminiscent of an alien spacedevice. Enhanced by a bright matte metal texture, it features a captivating RCB ambient light with a fog-like effectThis unique design lets you experience a feeling of novelty, the thrill of the unknown, and technology akin to spaceexploration, creating an imaginative atmosphere during use
Combining High Speed and Stability
for Outstandingly Accurate Printing Results

lmproved Printing Speed
To significantly boost printing speed,the LOTMAXXET comes with a direct drive extruder and an advanced auxiliary high-speed feeding system. This en-sures quick and smooth filament delivery to the ex-truder ahead oftime. When printing in multiplecolors, the filament feed remains smooth, maintain-ing uniform material thickness and delivering im-pressive molding quality even at high-speed print-ing.

Exceptional Printing Velocity
Experience unparalleled printing velocity with theLOTMAXX ET.Achieve a maximum pressure speed of500mm/s, rapid acceleration up to 10,000mm2/s, anda melt chamber flow rate / maximum extrusion flowrate of 22.8mm3/s. These specifications underscorethe printer's ability to deliver rapid and high-qualityresults.

Superior Printing Accuracy
The LOTMAXX ET utilizes a linear guide to ensure ac-curate print head movement and halts at highspeeds.Its dual Z-axis synchronous design guaran-tees uniform and stable print quality across layers,significantly boosting success rates and creating asmoother, more consistent printing process. Theresult is extraordinary printing accuracy achieved
Swift Melting for Optimal
Model Finish
Rapid Melting of the special hot-melt mechanism: the 72W heating rod rapidly increases the nozzle temperatureto 410'F (220'C), and the multi-stage gear structure is used to smoothly melt the extrusion of the material. achieving 500 high-speed pressure in mm/s.
Enhanced Cooling for Superior
Model Finish
The LOTMAXX ET incorporates a high-speed Dc fan within the nozzle and three independently designed airflowchannels for rapid and thorough model cooling. An external ultra-powerful triple-fan cooling device, operating at10000 RPM per second, further accelerates cooling during hich-speed printing, This results in a smoother modesurface and minimizes the need for supports in areas with shorter overhangs, streamlining the support removal
Exceptional Engraving and
Cutting Performance
Indeed, when you switch to ET's laser head, you unlock remarkable capabilities for engraving, cutting, and even metal marking. Unlike standard 5W laser heads with limited material compatibility, ET excels in processing diverse materials. From robust metals and wood to delicate paper, ET's versatility shines. Simply adjust the engraving power via the software to match the material for optimal results. With its impressive 20W laser cutting power, ET effortlessly handles 3mm pine board, non-transparent acrylic, and regular cardboard. It's time to showcase your mastery in advanced laser engraving and cutting techniques!
Supported 20w Laser
Engravable Materials
ll·Wood, cardboard, bamboo and leatherll·Non-transparent acrylic, non-glossy panel tile and non-glossy stonell·Cans, non-glossy metal materials, non-transparent plastics and non-glossy plasticsll·Resin Materials (3D Printing Light Curing Molding)ll·PLA/ABS and Other Molding Materials (3D Printing Hot Melt Molding)ll·Ceramics (3D Printing Clay/Powder Molding)
Accurate Multi-Point
Automatic Leveling
Elevate your printing perfection with the LOTMAXX ET's Precise Multi-Point Auto-Leveling. Bid farewell to manualadiustments as this advanced feature takes charge. Crafting accurate virtual height maps through intricate algorithms, your projects will consistently manifest with remarkable precision. Enjoy unparalleled print quality effortlessly, as the printer's intelligence ensures impeccable results, project after project