3D Printing Jewelry Markets 2023: Market Study and Forecast from smartechanalysis

This report focuses on the current and future state of the 3D printing luxury jewelry market, focusing on the major trends both on the consumer side as well as technology side that are likely to disrupt this market space in the coming years. The report explores in detail the technology landscape for both polymers and metals in the production of jewelry patterns, molds and directly printed jewelry, profiling the major and notable AM technology and materials vendors, their competitive position and their relevant offerings and systems. This report also provides a comprehensive 10 year forecast of the AM jewelry market, forecasting AM hardware, materials, software, and services.

Some of the major vendors profiled in this report include: ETEC (EnvisionTEC/Desktop Metal), 3D Systems, Digital Wax Systems (DWS), Desktop Metal, Hewlett Packard, SolidScape, Formlabs, EOS, GE Additive, and Sisma.


3d printing

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